Daily Archives: December 11, 2007

A Therapeutic Tag!

Not really. But that’s what Jawahara‘s calling it and her way with words is much better than mine, so that’s what I’ll call it too! A list of ten things I miss having in my life right now and ten things I hope to accomplish over the next decade. Hm, I’m not a big planner – as long as I don’t feel unhappy or deprived in some way, I’m all good – and can never stick to a timetable so I don’t know if I’m the best person for this tag but here goes: I’m in my mid twenties right now so these are some things that I’d like to do before I cross 35.

1. Finish that children’s book. At least the first draft :mrgreen: (A little inside joke there, please excuse)
2. Sail around the world. For some reason, it freaks me out to think of sailing the ocean even though I love boats, so let’s see if I can get over this hangup.
3. Travel around Africa
4. Find a job that will let me travel around Africa šŸ˜€
5. Adopt a pet. Like a dog, not a goldfish. Something that will make demands of me.
6. Get a place of my own, paid for by my own money, free of debt. (Yeah right.)
7. Fall in love.
8. Bungee jump. I chickened out once before I ever got to the site and I’ve been dreaming about it ever since.
9. Learn the piano.
10. I think I’ll keep this one open for incidentals. If I have to plan, I’ll plan for every eventuality!

The next part of the tag is the truly difficult thing about it: ten things I miss about my life right now. I’m pretty much a rolling stone and don’t generally wish for things I can’t have so this will take some doing.

1. Summer holidays in the land of the monsoon
2. My grandparents – until I remember how strict they were with my parents and then I have second thoughts.
3. Winter afternoons in Delhi, eating smoky peanuts and listening to my mother talk about her childhood.
4. Certain friends. But not all the time.
5. The swing they’d put up for me at Daddy’s home. It was my sole window into village life and sometimes I miss it. Then I remember how creepy the nights used to get and how much I appreciate the very latest in plumbing and an insect free existence and how cows are not my favorite pets and I get over it.
6. Getting all my clothes bought for me – maybe I should go all Hollywood and get me a stylist?
7. A big fat baby to kiss and cuddle. Fair warning: will send back to maker if s/he poops or cries.
8. Being rocked in my mom’s lap. She gets silly sometimes and will try her best but two seconds in she starts yelling about how I’m squashing her dead, which sort of ruins the experience.
9. Dancing in the afternoon, singing silly Guide camp songs with my aunt. Actually, this is probably something I can do again.
10. Getting fed by hand. Okay, that makes me sound like a barnyard animal being fattened for market but children everywhere can attest – it’s the best thing in the world.

I Tag: Kokonad, DesiGirl, Amey, Gagan, Headmistress and BVN.


Posted by on December 11, 2007 in Personal